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To my mind the ideal family is then people have much in common, then they love each over, spend many time together, support and help each over. At weekands we watch TV, ski, swim in the swimming pool, travel and play different games as football and voleyball. According to the dictionary friendship is a feeling and behaviour that exist between people, but what these feelings are and what this behaviour is everyone should decide for himself. I think chilliwack singles dating it is hard to find a close friend because people are chilliwack singles dating unique creatures of nature, all chilliwack singles dating of them have their own habits, opinions and judgments which differ from others. It makes sense to say that friendship can be compared to a tree. Its seed should find good soil and chilliwack singles dating under favourable conditions it will grow into a tree. As the years go casual studio new york by the tree stands firmer and firmer on the ground and if it is strong enough it singles dating chilliwack will survive all the storms and winds, but to help it we should take care of it and love it. In my opinion lucky are the people who chilliwack singles dating have real friends. As for me I'm happy chilliwack singles dating to have lots of friends, some of them are close, some are less, but all of them make my life interesting and enjoyable and I can't imagine my life without them, because friendship means very much for me.
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